Meh. I'd do more Democratic candidates but I'm just doing the ones everyone seems to be talking about. I could do Edwards but I didn't like Edwards last time he was running and I don't like him now, and that's only partially because almost no one who wants to go into the medical field or is in it now likes him because he was once an ambulance chaser.
I think if the Republican party runs McCain or Romney, most voters will go Democrat. They are too reminiscent of Bush and the neocons. I'd vote Clinton or Obama over them, of course. If they run Giuliani, the Dems may have a challenge. They'll probably run Clinton, she's more popular.
My guesses:
Giuliani vs. Clinton: Could go either way, but there might be a knee-jerk NOT REPUBLICAN vote for Clinton. Also could be a knee-jerk NOT HILLARY vote for Giuliani. I'd probably vote for Giuliani just because Congress will be Democratic and Clinton + Democratic Congress = WAY too much power.
Giuliani vs. Obama: Obama is a pro-war Democrat who doesn't really seem to understand fiscal policy. Giuliani is a socially liberal Republican. There may be a knee-jerk NOT REPUBLICAN vote for Obama but then again a lot of people vote Republican by default even still. I would debate it a lot and likely go with Obama, because he hasn't come out in favor of executive authority like Giuliani, and because I think I disagree with Obama a little bit less than I disagree with Giuliani, which is a depressing thing to vote about.
I don't really agree with any of the candidates. I really want someone who pushes for spending cuts and peace talks, who gets along with other countries even if he or she ideologically disagrees with them. Someone who wants to focus on the deficit first and foremost, and once spending is cut in other areas, THEN will start to implement other programs. Someone who is socially liberal but who will leave most issues up to the states unless doing so involves the restriction of human rights.
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I've enjoyed reading this series. What's your take on Fred Thompson?
I don't know. I really like his policy on federalism, plus he's for free trade and partial privatization of social security. And because he's a federalist, he's saying he'll leave the issue of abortion up to the states. He's against gun control and affirmative action and he opposes amnesty.
However, he's very opposed to homosexual rights. He's willing to prevent a Constitutional amendment to restrict marriage, but at the same time, he doesn't want to offer people any legal protection from hate crimes or employment discrimination. He's said that he'll leave civil unions up to the states but will allow one state to refuse to recognize the unions made in another, despite the fact that there are laws saying that a contract made in one state must be honored in another.
Plus he doesn't believe in global warming, which shows me that he doesn't want to listen to scientists. That's disconcerting. And he's not really as strong a supporter of the separation of church and state as I might like.
He's a war hawk, too. He's willing to use diplomacy but he still has this policeman mentality. And he's very anti-Cuba, while I say we should open up trade relations with them.
Eh. With a democratic Congress I might vote for him over Hillary. I would be very hesitant, though, due to his refusal to ensure human rights and his stance on church and state. I will have to see how he would propose to address the deficit before I would be willing to vote for him.
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